Finance corporation

Power Finance Corporation Shares: Buy Power Finance Corporation, Target Price Rs 124 : ICICI Direct

ICICI Direct bought Power Finance Corporation with a target price of Rs 124. The current market price is Rs 115.65. The delay given by the analyst is 7 days when . the price can reach the set target.

Power Finance Corporation Ltd., incorporated in 1986, is a large capitalization company (having a market capitalization of Rs 30624.94 Crore) operating in the term lending institution sector.

The main products/revenue segments of Power Finance Corporation Ltd. include interest, dividend, fee and commission income for the year ending March 31, 2021.


For the quarter ended 30-06-2022, the company reported a consolidated total revenue of Rs 18,544.04 Crore, down -1.75% from last quarter. Total revenue of Rs 18,873.55 Crore and down -2.27% from the same quarter last year. Total income of Rs 18973.93 Crore. The company reported a net profit after tax of Rs 4579.53 Crore in the last quarter.

Promoter/Fii Holdings
The promoters held 55.99% of the company’s capital as of June 30, 2022, while the FIIs held 16.21% and the DIIs 12.74%.

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